At the North American Handbuilt Bicycle Show, small scale builders get together to display their works of art. They push the envelope, not only visually, but also in use of structural materials, connections and finishes. One will also see new technology arriving in the world of cycling.
The annual event has been around for 15 years. Organizers change the location each year, to give everyone a chance to visit.
Shaft Drive Train
Say good-bye to chains (and belts).
Bamboo Bikes
Give new life to that dreaded weed in your side yard.
Wood Bikes
The amazing strength of this material becomes clear.
Class project |
Lugged Steel?
You betcha!
From Rivendell (but you knew that from the paint scheme!) |

Shamrock Cycles
Oldies but Goodies
How many fork blades are really necessary? |
Brooks (but you already knew that, right?) |
Schmoozing with Cycling Gods
Nelson Vails (and some poseur) |
(That's all he wrote!)
I'm drooooooooooolin'! I remember mono-forks from way back - was it Cannondale who played around with those?